Seasonal and Estonian cut flowers from local small growers directly to the consumer.
Slow Flowers Estonia is an association that was founded when the common values of three growers of slow flowers brought us together, and a strong sense of mission inspired us to start a Slow Flowers movement in Estonia, following the example of many other like-minded people abroad. We believe that floriculture and floristics in Estonia can be more respectful of the environment and the seasons.
We are an association that wants to
- disseminate knowledge on more sustainable cut flower growing and seasonal floriculture and contribute to the promotion of these activities on a continuous basis.
- to give a face and put on the map the small cut flower growers of Estonia and bring them together with their local florist and consumer.
- create a network where florists and growers can also get together from time to time to inspire each other, learn from each other or just share their joys and sorrows. We strongly believe that community is more important than competition!
- to create training opportunities for our local growers and florists by bringing in international trainers who use modern techniques and have an innovative mindset. We believe in 100% plastic-free floristry and we see it as the future!
- educate consumers on the importance of choosing local flowers wherever possible!
If you would like to join our group of great growers and contribute to the development of a fierce network, meet like-minded growers, get support and share experiences, then we are waiting for you @ Slow Growers .
Anete, Helen & Tuuli,
Founders of NGO Slow Flowers Estonia

Seasonal and Estonian cut flowers from local small growers directly to the consumer.
"TheSlow Flowers movement is a response to the loss of contact between people and flowers. The movement's aim is to revitalise the cultivation of flowers and its recognition as a necessary branch of agriculture. Slow Flowers connects the consumer, the florist and the flower grower, putting a face and a name behind every flower and floral arrangement."
- Source :
In America, there is a growing trend in floriculture towards seasonal, sustainably and locally grown cut flowers. A similar trend can now be seen in Europe - even close to home in Finland, which has a similar climate. We believe there is room, need and opportunity for such a change in Estonia too.
We strongly believe in the basics of Slow Flowers:
- I respect, feel and celebrate the rhythms of nature, using only what is in bloom and growing at the time in my seasonal settings.
- reduce my transport footprint by sourcing my materials as locally and as close to home as possible.
- as a florist, I support flower growers and highlight their name where possible so that consumers know where their flowers come from.
- as a grower, I only grow flowers and plant material that are suitable for our climate and do not require a lot of extra resources (e.g. heated greenhouse).
- as a grower, I am increasingly choosing sustainable growing practices, saying no to pesticides and artificial fertilisers, respecting nature and the people around me.
- I contribute to reducing unnecessary waste by sorting, composting, recycling and not using harmful chemicals (including spray paints, glues and plastics that break down into microplastics such as Oasis plastic foam).
Why in Estonia?
Because we have all the tools to grow flowers successfully. Our season could easily last from April to October, without heated greenhouses. We can see that a huge amount of resources are wasted on bringing flowers from the Netherlands and other parts of the world that also grow well in our climate. A simple example is the salmon blossom, a beautiful flower that can bloom in our climate from May to October if the right varieties are chosen. And luckily there are more and more of them, even those that love our mostly cool climate!
Wouldn't it be a great feeling to sell locally and continually grown flowers to your customers in your own shop in season? Make wedding arrangements from flowers that are perhaps in the immediate vicinity of the wedding venue? Or go out and buy your sweetheart a handful of flowers directly from the grower's farm?
We want Estonian flowers to have more value, just like local food! We want the name and face of the grower behind every flower to be known.
We believe that one small step at a time, we can move towards a much more planet-friendly, ethical and seasonal floristry and floriculture in Estonia!